Sunday, May 13, 2018

SOx Section 404 Rules

SOx Section 404 Rules
SOx Section 404 rules state that an enterprise is responsible for reviewing, documenting, and testing its own internal accounting controls, with those review results then passed on to the enterprise’s external auditors, who are charged with reviewing and attesting to that work as part of their review of the reported financial statements.

Section 404 Internal Controls Assessments
Management always has had the overall responsibility for designing and implementing internal controls over their enterprise’s operations. SOx Section 404 requires an annual internal controls report, with the following information elements, as part of an SEC-mandated Form 10K annual report:• A formal management statement acknowledging the enterprise’s responsibility for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting; and• An assessment, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year, of the effectiveness of the enterprise’s internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting.

The external audit firm that issued the supporting audit report is required to review and report on management’s assessment of its internal financial controls. Management is required to report on the quality of their internal controls, and their public accounting firm must audit or attest that management developed an internal controls report in addition to their normal financial statement audit. Management has always been responsible for preparing their periodic financial reports, and the external auditors then audited those financial numbers and certified that they were fairly stated. With SOx Section 404, management is responsible for documenting and testing their internal financial controls as well as to report on their effectiveness. External auditors then review the supporting materials leading up to that internal financial controls report to assert that the report is an accurate description of the internal control environment.

Under SOx Section 404, management is required to report on the adequacy of their internal controls, with their external auditors attesting to the management-developed internal control reports. Under Section 404 procedures, the enterprise builds and documents its own internal control processes, then an independent party such as internal audit reviews and tests those internal controls, and finally the external auditors review and attest to the adequacy of this process.

Identifying Key Processes to Launch a Section 404 Compliance Review
Whether based on IT systems or primarily manual procedures performed on a regular basis, every enterprise has basic processes that are normally considered in terms of their basic accounting cycles, including:
Revenue cycle. Processes dealing with sales or other enterprise revenue.
Direct expenditures cycle. Expenditures for material or direct production costs.
Indirect expenditures cycle. Operating costs that cannot be directly tied to production activities but are necessary for overall business operations.
Payroll cycle. Covers all personnel compensation.
• Inventory cycle. Although inventory will eventually be applied as direct production expenditures, time-based processes are needed for holding inventory until applied to production.
Fixed assets cycle. Property and equipment require separate accounting processes, such as periodic depreciation accounting over time.
General controls IT cycle. This set of processes covers IT controls that are general or applicable to all IT operations.

Internal Audit’s Role
Even though SOx does not give specific responsibilities to internal audits, they are an important resource for the completion of Section 404 internal control assessments. Under SOx, a separate and independent function within the enterprise—often internal or IT audit—reviews and documents the internal controls covering key processes, identifies key control points, and then tests those identified controls. External audit would then review that work and attest to their adequacy. For many enterprises, IT audit can be a key resource for performing these internal controls reviews for technology-based processes.

Section 404 Internal Control Review

Exhibit 2.2 outlines some planning considerations for a Section 404 internal control review to be performed by an enterprise’s internal auditors, who can play a major role in helping senior management establish Section 404 compliance. Our objective is not to provide internal audit guidance but to give a senior manager an idea of these IT internal audit processes.

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